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One of the most talked topic in the student's mouth was the recent topic of the “creepy clown” crisis. All around the country and in this community was heard of. All around the United States and in other countries around the world. In many social media where many post of the “clown sightings”. Many also go and hunt them. Why did this crisis started? What are the consequences? Is it real the crisis? Has it ended? This article will explain a small portion of this crisis.


The creepy clown prank was something that had already been for a long time many youtubers did pranks on this subject such as a youtube channel called DmPranksProduction. This pranks are one of the most popular type of pranks in youtube. Why? Well one of the biggest phobias is to clowns called coulrophobia. This is an advantage on the pranksters because many people fear them. This crisis started in late August 2016 started in the U.S in greenville south carolina from reports from clown luring children to the woods from a apartment complex in there. This had many schools shut down because of social media threats to schools.

Why has it been happening

The truth is still a mystery. There has been many speculations but not even a single one has been proven true. Some of the reasons that this might have spread are due to; social media, pranks, attention, halloween , and possibly in promotion on the upcoming 2017 movie IT. although there are many speculations about it and many of the mentioned are reasonable they are yet not proven true.


This trend had been not only scaring people but hurting those whose job is being clowns in consequence of this crisis. There are many circuses that have clowns and people dress as clowns for people's parties especially children parties. With this attacks from some “killer clowns” many of these clowns are losing their jobs. Many kids now fear clowns and these men and women who work for entertainment are affected from these unwise actions.


The first clown arrest was made in september 23 in kentucky. Young 20 year old Jonathan Martin when he was found crouching near some department complex. People dressed as clowns can be arrested due to disorder conduct and some states because of anti mask laws. There are also many that lie and they can get fined for false statement.

Hoax or real

This question is left to criteria because some reports have turned out false some even staged to gain attention but the truth is that it is a 50/50 answer. Yes there are some people luring and scaring people but there are others who have made supposive real sightings but turn out to be pranks or hoaxes.


2016 clown cisis