Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine: Special Issue 50-4bokBW | Page 77

Strengthening rehabilitation services in Indonesia Table III. Prevalence of disability by type and degree of disability (in population over 10 years of age; modified (16)) Degree of disability and number Type of disability Total number of A little Severe population more % of (thousands) (thousands) than 10 years old PWD Vision Hearing Walking or climbing stairs Remembering or concentrating Self-care 5,313 2,568 2,432 2,126 1,511 507 456 656 616 533 PWD: people with disability. According to a survey conducted in 2010 by the University of Indonesia and National Team to Accelerate Poverty, the proportion of PWD in Indonesia was 4.3%, based on Washington Group questions (14). This figure is lower than the average world prevalence rate of disability in the adult population, which is 15.6%, according to the World Report on Disability (WRD) (15). Table III illustrates the prevalence of disability in Indonesia by type and degree in the population over the age of 10 years. Most PWD have visual impairment (3.05%). Other impairments or disa- bilities are: hearing, walking or climbing stairs, remembering or concentrating, and self-care, at 1.58%, 1.62%, 1.44% and 1.07%, respectively (16). The prevalence of disability by age and degree of disability in Indonesia over the age of 15 years is shown in Table IV. Approximately 23% of people between 50 and 69 years old have severe and very severe disability. Furthermore, more than 50% people age 70 years and older have severe and very severe disability. Almost 38% of people age 70 years and older have difficulties with daily living (14). Meanwhile, almost 40% of PWD have more than one disability (17). 379 Information on disability policies and governmental and non-governmental stakeholders According to National Law number 8, 2016, de- scribed above, disability in Indonesia is classified as physical, intellectual, mental and/or sensory. However, it can a lso be a combination of these clas- sifications. The Ministry of Social Welfare is primarily responsible for PWD. It has budget allocation for social services and rehabilitation of PWD. More than 70% of the budget is allocated to provision of social assistance or social security for people with “severe disability” or “irreversible disabilities”. The remainder is used to build infrastructure and develop human resources (2). 190,839 190,839 190,839 190,839 190,839 3.05 1.58 1.62 1.44 1.07 Information about (health-related) rehabilitation service capacity Within the Ministry of Health, rehabilitation services are facilitated through the NHS. It pro- vides rehabilitation services and basic assistive devices. There are 7 types of assistive device covered by the Indonesian NHS: eyeglasses, hearing aids, incisors, collar neck/cervical collar/ neck braces, corsets, extremity prostheses/den- tures, and crutches (18). In addition to national/ government health insurance, private insurance is also available in Indonesia. Under private insurance, health-related services are covered according to the contract between consumers and insurance companies, some of which cover rehabilitation-related services. In addition, the Ministry of Health has regulated that rehabilitation services should Table IV. Disability prevalence in adult (%) by age group and degree of be implemented as an integral disability (modified; (14)) part of the service in hospi- Degree of disability (%) tal types A (top referral), B (provincial) and C (city). In Very Total of severe Age group None A little Mild Severe severe and very severe Indonesia, acute, post-acute and long-term rehabilitation 15–34 years 72.64 14.11 8.87 3.28 1.09 4.37 35–49 years 57.16 19.66 15.16 6.44 1.57 8.01 services also exist, particular- 50–69 years 30.07 20.26 26.10 17.59 5.99 23.58 ly in hospital types A, B and > 70 years 8.88 9.22 21.81 33.51 26.58 60.09 C. However, there are no data Total (%) 57.59 16.84 14.52 8.03 3.02 100 available on these services. J Rehabil Med 50, 2018