Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-8 | Page 35

Rasch analysis of UK FIM+FAM in patients with TBI 571 Table III. Frequency distribution of responses and Rasch model fit statistics for the UKFIM+FAM items (n  = 320). See Table SI 1 for an equivalent table for individual items the full dataset (n  = 1,956) Frequency distribution across scoring categories Description Motor Eating Swallowing* Grooming* Bathing* Dressing – upper* Dressing – lower* Toileting* Bladder Bowel* Bed transfers* Toilet transfers* Bath transfers Car transfers Locomotion Stairs Community mobility Communication Comprehension Expression Reading* Writing* Speech intelligibility Psychosocial Social interaction* Emotional status* Adjustment to limitations Use of leisure time Problem solving Memory* Orientation Concentration Safety awareness Domain subtests Motor Communication Psychosocial Location Fit Residual χ 2 ** Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 6 Cat 7 % Cat 1+7 –0.56 –0.69 –0.21 0.05 –0.23 –0.05 –0.15 –0.25 –0.24 –0.17 –0.12 0.10 0.29 0.08 0.54 0.93 –0.71 4.23 –4.56 –4.54 –4.74 –4.58 –5.24 –1.71 –2.80 –3.62 –3.59 –0.49 0.55 –1.53 0.79 1.25 8.34 29.30 34.33 33.87 33.27 33.17 31.61 7.08 11.17 15.82 18.48 3.12 8.11 6.78 8.67 1.99 37 28 43 50 43 51 58 57 58 55 60 72 112 72 138 132 7 9 16 24 21 22 17 12 10 9 8 10 7 12 4 28 7 7 16 14 13 20 17 12 14 23 20 16 11 6 4 39 8 3 23 36 24 26 10 11 9 13 15 20 21 12 4 10 30 17 44 47 39 40 25 16 15 30 28 42 13 40 24 29 35 27 47 45 36 33 32 27 26 36 37 38 31 57 60 27 170 203 105 78 118 102 135 159 162 128 126 96 99 94 60 29 70.4 78.6 50.3 43.5 54.8 52.0 65.6 73.5 74.8 62.2 63.3 57.1 71.8 56.7 67.3 54.8 –0.42 –0.36 0.02 0.23 –0.67 –0.41 –0.30 4.03 2.90 2.09 2.06 5.52 38.31 33.34 7.68 22 29 59 84 20 16 16 8 10 11 16 15 10 22 18 14 18 23 31 11 76 55 60 33 35 68 66 45 34 40 82 95 89 80 159 35.4 42.2 50.3 55.8 60.9 –0.36 0.01 0.39 0.38 0.59 0.34 –0.03 0.04 0.54 3.55 9.35 1.14 0.52 –0.68 2.67 0.64 0.42 –0.42 18.71 89.26 7.76 1.61 5.16 16.23 4.77 1.69 4.17 24 45 51 56 73 58 47 33 54 17 33 50 44 32 48 36 42 77 16 18 40 29 27 29 21 27 34 22 16 31 21 32 32 29 22 18 52 37 40 39 53 36 24 59 32 62 71 45 69 51 47 41 51 42 101 74 37 36 26 44 96 60 37 42.5 40.5 29.9 31.3 33.7 34.7 48.6 31.6 31.0 0.01 –0.07 0.06 –1.28 –0.08 0.99 11.43 18.95 6.34 *Significant misfit to the Rasch model (p  < 0.05, Bonferroni-adjusted); Response options in bold were endorsed by less than 10 people. **χ 2 degrees of freedom for items (df = 4) and for subtests (df = 8) Percent cat 1+7: response category scores in the lower and upper end of the scale (Cronbach’s alpha=0.78), strict uni-dimensionality (< 5% t-tests significant at < 0.05), and no local de- pendency. However, the item-trait interaction was significant (χ 2 (df24) =159.1, p < 0.001) confirming the expected inflation of χ 2 statistics due to large sample size. As with our previous analysis for stroke (17), neither uniform re-scoring of items nor exclusion of participants with extreme scores improved the fit of the model, so these data are not presented. Analysis of DIF showed no significant DIF by any of the personal factors. At the individual super-item level there were no signs of local dependency and all showed acceptable fit residual and χ 2 values (Table III). Fig. S1 1 shows the person-item threshold distribution for the final analysis with the full sample and indicates 1 Table IV. The UK FIM FAM: Rasch model summary statistics (overall fit of the scale) UK FIM+FAM Item – trait interaction Rasch model χ 2 /df p-value PSI Uni-dimensionality (Sig. t-tests in %) Local dependency 521.36/120 2,253.69/120 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.94 0.94 No (> 35) No (> 35) Yes 36.72/24 159.11/24 0.05 < 0.001 0.78 0.81 Yes (2.19) Yes (2.51) Pathway 1: Initial all 30 items Sub-sample (n  = 320) Full dataset (n  =1,956) Pathway 2: Three super-items Sub-sample (n  =320) Full dataset (n  =1,956) No a UK FIM+FAM; UK Functional Assessment Measure; df: degrees of freedom; PSI: Person Separation Index (without extremes). Super-item 1=Communication; Super-item 3 is Psychosocial domain. FIM: Functional Independence Measure; FAM: Functional Assessment Measure. J Rehabil Med 51, 2019