Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-11 | Page 19
always been a top priority in the action plans of the
UEMS PRM Board (10). Scientific and financial sup-
port for the participation of trainees in selected PRM
educational events, support for scientific publications
in the field of PRM, special sessions dedicated to trai-
nees at congresses, and e-learning resources (e-books,
online courses, etc.) are among the actions regularly
undertaken by the UEMS PRM Board in order to as-
sist and support candidates in their preparation for the
fellowship examination.
The aim is to provide valid and reliable high-quality
European examination for the certification of young
specialists in PRM. The long tradition and expertise
of the UEMS PRM Board guarantee that the diploma
of fellowship is a seal of excellence in PRM.
1. Kiekens C, Moyaert M, Ceravolo MG, Moslavac S, Juocevi-
cius A, Christodoulou N, et al. Education of physical and
rehabilitation medicine specialists across Europe: a call for
harmonization. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2016; 52: 881–886.
2. Bardot A, Tonazzi A. European physical and rehabilitation
medicine organisms – origins and developments. Eur
Medicophysica 2007; 43: 185–194.
3. European Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Bodies
Alliance. White Book on Physical and Rehabilitation Medi-
cine (PRM) in Europe. Chapter 4. History of the specialty:
where PRM comes from. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2018;
54: 186–197.
4. European Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Bodies Al-
liance. White Book on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
(PRM) in Europe. Chapter 9. Education and continuous
professional development: shaping the future of PRM. Eur
J Phys Rehabil Med 2018; 54: 279–286.
5. Training Requirements for the Specialty of Physical and Re-
habilitation Medicine. European Standards of Postgraduate
Medical Specialist Training. UEMS; 2018 [cited 2019 Sep
7]. Available from: https: //
6. Charter on training of medical specialists in the Eu-
ropean community. UEMS; 1993 [cited 2019 Sep 8].
Available from: https: //
7. European Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Bodies Al-
liance. White Book on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
(PRM) in Europe. Chapter 5. The PRM organizations in
Europe: structure and activities. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med
2018; 54: 198–213.
8. UEMS-CESMA Guideline for the organisation of European
postgraduate medical assessments. UEMS 2015/16 [ci-
ted 2019 Sep 29]. Available from: https: //www.uems.
9. Ricker K. Setting cut-scores: a critical review of the Angoff
and modified Angoff methods. Alberta J Educ Res 2006;
52: 53–64.
10. Viton JM, Franchignoni F, Vanderstraeten G, Michail X,
Delarque A. Action plan of the Physical and Rehabilitation
Medicine Board. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2009; 45: 271–274.
The European PRM Board Fellowship is a seal of excellence
J Rehabil Med 51, 2019