Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice Volume 7, Number 2, 2019 | Page 12

Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice • Volume 7, Number 2 • 2019 The APUS Open Educational Resources (OER) Conversion Project Jose A Rodriguez and Conrad Lotze American Public University System (APUS), USA Abstract By providing free and open access to learning, the Internet continues to be a driving force in changing the educational landscape. In the area of higher education, open educational resources (OERs) provide students with access to no- and low-cost learning. OERs give higher education leaders the opportunity to restructure delivery methods of learning resources and ensure more efficient and targeted practices. In 2017, the American Public University System (APUS) embarked on a major university-wide initiative to restructure all of its undergraduate courses with OERs. Much has been written on the efficacy of OERs in a variety of educational models throughout higher education. Although the research is replete with studies on changing faculty perceptions of OERs, research on the financial efficacy of OERs is still emerging. This paper, focused on APUS’ efforts to adopt OERs, includes discussion of how such conversions relate to APUS’s mission and vision in higher education and the work done by others in this space. Highlighted are the workflow aspects, various processes, involved departments, and preliminary results. Keywords: open educational resources (OERs), undergraduate, higher education El Proyecto de conversión de Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA) de APUS Resumen Al proporcionar acceso gratuito y abierto al aprendizaje, Internet continúa siendo una fuerza impulsora para cambiar el panorama educativo. En el área de la educación superior, los recursos educativos abiertos (REA) brindan a los estudiantes acceso a aprendizaje sin costo o de bajo costo. Los REA brindan a los líderes de la 1 doi: 10.18278/jolrap.7.2.2