Journal of Academic Development and Education JADE Issue 11 Summer 2019 | Page 54

Table 1: Type and description of questions available in Learning Catalytics, and the availabi- lity of each type in Poll Everywhere and Menti marked with X (from Nosek, 2017). 54 Ty p e o f question Description Composite sketch Students sketch a graph and the results are shown as a composite sketch; this works well in large classes Confidence Students distribute a fixed number of votes on each of the options/answers given based on their confidence in each answer; points can be assigned to the correct answer, or the question can be used to assess opinion Data collection Students report a numerical value and results are displayed in a histogram with descriptive statistics Direction Students draw an arrow or vector; arrows pointing in the direction and within a predeter- mined range of the correct arrow are shows as correct Expression Students enter a mathematical expression or equation Highlighting Students highlight words in a passage and the results are shown in a heat map of the text Image upload Students upload an image Long answer Students enter text in a large input box Many choices Students select zero, one or many choices in response to a question; this can be used to col- lect opinions Matching Students match a series of subquestions with options to create a matrix Multiple choice Students select one answer Numerical Students enter a numerical value Priority Students prioritize the given choices; there is no correct choice Ranking Students rank a list of items in order X Region Students click or touch a point on an image; the instructor determines the area of the image that should be considered correct X Short answer Students enter text in a small input box X X Sketch Students sketch a graph; each graph is dis- played as tile. This format works better for small classes Wo rd c l o u d Students submit one or more words, and a word cloud is generated based on the frequency of occurrence of each word X X Slide Students are shown a static slide; no response is required  Poll Everywhere Menti X X X X