Joshua Community Guide 2020 | Page 9

ing businesses as well as they look to ex- pand in the coming year.” tivity and success breeds more success. “We’re seeing that now with the proj- ects that are right around the corner. It’s also been beneficial for some of our exist- Growing With a population of about 7,200 and at 6.5 square miles, Joshua re- mains a small town but is posi- tioned for growth. The city has seen some resi- dents selling large tracts of land and developers buying the prop- erty for new homes to fit the needs of a wide range of buyers. In 2016, Joshua welcomed Cypress Creek Apartment Homes, a mixed-in- come community with 40 percent of units rented at market value and 60 percent rented at affordable value. The complex has 180 units, with ame- nities like a fitness center, party room, pool and an area where adults and kids can use Mac computers. For information, Joshua Community Guide 9 visit joshua-station. In 2018, Joshua welcomed Mariposa Apartment Homes, a multi-family devel- opment for individuals over the age of 55. They have 222 apartments — with one or two bedrooms. Each room comes with many ameni- ties, including an oven, refrigerator, mi- crowave and a dishwasher and also comes with connections for a washer and dryer. The building is three stories with many elevators available for residents. At the clubhouse, residents have a fit- ness center with exercise equipment, a business center where they can use com- puters to search the internet and a library with many residents donating several books. For information, visit mariposaapart- broadway.