Always something to do
outdoors in Joshua
rom climbing monkey bars and
going down the slide to taking
swimming lessons and working
out in the gym, there are many places
for Joshua residents to spend their free
time to enhance their mind and body.
Joshua City Park
Joshua City Park, 831 N. Main St.,
has playground equipment, a basket-
ball court, splash pad, pavilion, fish-
ing pier and pond, walking trails and
baseball fields.
The city purchased the land for
the park from a local resident and re-
ceived a donation of 6 acres from the
Joshua Baseball and Softball Associa-
tion that adjoined the park land to-
gether making it a 26-acre park. The
land donation was an agreement be-
tween the city and the JBSA, with the
city removing and rebuilding three
new fields, concession area, rest-
rooms and parking.
City officials sent out a survey
to seek input from local resi-
dents as to what amenities
would be desired in the
new park. Funding was
provided by the city’s
Type B Economic Devel-
opment Corporation and
Parks boards and a match-
ing grant from the Texas
Parks & Wildlife Depart-
ment for $500,000 and a $1
million grant from former
U.S. Rep. Chet Edwards
through the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development.
The total cost of the part was $2.336
In April 2010, the city held a
groundbreaking ceremony for Joshua
24 Joshua Community Guide
City Park, with the Joshua Area
Chamber of Commerce holding a rib-
bon cutting ceremony later that year.