6 April
Founder ’ s Day
St John Baptist De La Salle , the Founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools , passed away on 7 April 1719 . Every year , the school comes together to celebrate Founder ’ s Day in honour of St John Baptist de La Salle on a Friday closest to 7 April .
This year ’ s Founder ’ s Day Assembly marked SJI ’ s 30 years as an Independent School at our Malcolm Road campus . The celebrations began with a Mass and homily by Fr Gerard Louis CSsR ( Class of 1990 ) for the Catholic students and staff . The non-Catholics students in SJI reflected on the values the late Brother Kevin Byrne lived his life by when he was the Principal of SJI from 1979 - 1991 . Mr Nicholas Fang ( Class of 1991 ) was the Guest of Honour . He was amongst the pioneer batch of students to study at the then brand-new Malcolm Road campus in 1988 . He urged Josephians to be more than “ cool Joes ”; he challenged them to be “ great Joes ” in all that they do and become .
Awards were presented to the top students who have achieved outstanding results in 2017 . The school also thanked the Campus Development Committee that oversaw the redevelopment of the Malcolm Road campus .
For more photos , visit https :// www . flickr . com / photos / stjosephsinstitution / albums / 72157694000248171