29 March -1 April
Easter Triduum
Holy Week marks the most important season in the Catholic liturgical calendar . It begins with Palm Sunday and culminates in the Paschal Triduum ( Maundy Thursday , Good Friday , Easter Sunday ).
On Maundy Thursday , students and teachers witnessed the washing of feet at morning assembly . The act of feet-washing reminds us of Jesus ’ humility and His commandment to serve and love one another .
The Eucharistic celebration to recall Our Lord Jesus ’ s Last Supper with his disciples was held in the evening in the Chapel . It was attended by more than 300 staff , students and parents .
On the same night , the Catholic CCA groups went on their annual visitations to churches across Singapore . Some went on public transport while some went on foot from church to church . They recited prayers along the way as they recalled Jesus ’ final hours before His crucifixion .
On Good Friday morning , the Stations of the Cross began at 3am and different representatives from different Legion praesidia led the groups in the Way of The Cross . A reflective mood was set with the repetition of antiphons , readings and various re-enactments of certain scenes during the Stations . These helped the students to relate the story of each station of Jesus ’ life to their daily lives . They also had hands-on activities where everyone wrote their sufferings on a cross made of ice cream sticks and exchanged it with someone else . The students then had a group sharing about the church visitation and their experience of the walk to the various churches . They were given a bun to break and to share it with everyone . A Good Friday service was held in the Chapel to conclude the activities for the Easter Triduum .
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