Edição 3 - Ano 2 - 1 0/01 /20 A 23/01 /20 - Direção Rogério Tomaz - Jornalista Responsável: Juliane Cristina dos Santos - MTB: 0083628/SP PG 03 New unicorn: QuintoAndar O início do ciclo de retomada wants to expand link with gradual da economia já tem reflexos real estate, says founder na venda e no lançamento de QuintoAndar is the newest Brazilian unicorn. Following a $ 250 million investment round led by Japanese fund Softbank Group,the real estate lease startup joined the select group of companies with a market value of at least $ 1 billion. T he Brazilian startup Quinto Andar, which became the ninth Brazilian unicorn, was born in 201 3 with the goal of eliminating intermediation in the residential property rental market through brokerages and real estate, directly connecting tenants and landlords. Years later, Gabriel Braga, one of the company's founders, says that one of the company sectors with the greatest growth potential is partnerships with the real estate companies - there are already 1 5 in total. And, according to him, with the $ 250 billion announced, the platform wants to expand the number of deals with this feature. In this correlation, real estate agents bring owners to the platform and make a more personalized relationship for Quinto Andar customers who so desire. On the other hand, customers of these companies become part of the startup system, increasing business opportunities. Although born with the goal of eliminating intermediaries, Braga today sees the contact with real estate with good eyes. “This partnership is not antagonistic or exclusionary,” he says. “What we realize is that there are some owners who have specific needs, who prefer a more personal, face- to-face service. It makes sense to adapt our model and at the same time, real estate also adapt. We recognize that there are owners who want this type of service and we know we can't offer it directly, so we have partnerships with these companies, which in turn recognize that people can generate much more liquidity and security than the traditional model, ”he adds. In all, the partnerships already occur in 11 of the 25 cities that the company operates: São Paulo, Osasco, Campinas, Jundiaí, Porto Alegre, Sao Leopoldo, SP, Osasco, Campinas, Jundiaí, Porto Alegre, Sao Leopoldo, Novo Hamburgo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia and Goiânia.And according to him, the company expects to increase this number. imóveis na cidade de São Paulo, o principal mercado do setor no Brasil. Até setembro 201 9, tanto a quantidade de imóveis novos vendidos como lançados foram recordes para o período na capital paulista desde o início da série, em 2004, pelo Secovi, sindicato que reúne entidades do setor da habitação. De janeiro a setembro de 201 9, foram comercializadas 30,5 mil unidades, mais do que as 29,9 mil vendidas em São Paulo no ano inteiro de 201 8 – volume quase 70% maior do que o do mesmo período do ano passado. De acordo com a pesquisa, só em setembro foram comercializados 4.055 imóveis a maior marca para o mês e um volume cerca de 50% maior do que a média histórica para o período. Na tentativa de conquistar novos consumidores, o ritmo de lançamentos das construtoras está acelerado. Até setembro 201 9, elas ofertaram 32 mil unidades, quase o dobro dos lançamentos feitos nos mesmos meses de 201 8. The beginning of the cycle of gradual recovery of the economy is already reflected in the sale and launch of real estate in the city of São Paulo, the main market in the sector in Brazil. Until September 201 9, both the number of new properties sold and launched were record for the period in São Paulo since the beginning of the series, in 2004, by Secovi, a union that brings together entities from the housing sector. From January to September 201 9, 30.5 thousand units were sold, more than the 29.9 thousand sold in São Paulo in the whole year of 201 8 volume almost 70% higher than the same period last year. According to the survey, in September alone were sold 4,055 properties the largest brand for the month and a volume about 50% higher than the historical average for the period. In an attempt to win over new consumers, the pace of launching by construction companies is accelerating. Until September 201 9, they offered 32,000 units, almost double the launches made in the same months of 201 8. possível ter acesso a A Caixa Econômica crédito indexado ao IPCA Federal anunciou uma mais uma taxa fixa de linha de financiamento 2,95% a 4,95%. O IPCA é que utilizará a inflação medido e divulgado oficial do país, calculada mensalmente pelo IBGE. pelo Índice de Preços Para o financiamento, será ao Consumidor Amplo utilizado o valor (IPCA), como Caixa Econômica Federal has announced a financing acumulado em 1 2 meses, composição para as facility that will use the country's official inflation, que é recalculado taxas de juros. Com calculated by the Broad Consumer Price Index (IPCA), as mensalmente com a isso, o consumidor terá a composition for interest rates. With this, the consumer divulgação da inflação acesso as parcelas mais will have access to the lowest installments of the hitherto mensal. As previsões são baixas das até então offered by the bank, which holds more than 70% of real para financiamentos de oferecidas pelo banco, estate credit in the country. The reduction reaches 25% 300 mil reais, 500 mil reais que detém mais de 70% Caixa offered only interest rate financing models e 1 milhão de reais, do crédito imobiliário no calculated by the Referential Rate (TR) - which has been utilizando a inflação país. A redução chega zero since 201 7 - plus a fixed amount of 8.5% to 9.75%. acumulada de 3,22% em a 25% a Caixa oferecia You will now also be able to access IPCA-indexed credit julho, de acordo com o apenas modelos de plus a flat rate of 2.95% to 4.95%. The IPCA is measured IBGE. financiamento com juros and released monthly by the IBGE. The financing will use calculados pela Taxa the amount accumulated in 1 2 months, which is Referencial (TR) — que recalculated monthly with the disclosure of monthly é zero desde 201 7— inflation. The forecasts are for financing of 300 thousand somada a um valor fixo reais, 500 thousand reais and 1 million reais, using the de 8,5% a 9,75%. cumulative inflation of 3.22% in July, according to the Agora, também será IBGE.