You may , for example , want to start at the deep end , starting off by testing yourself with some of the 300 + sample interview questions which you will find in Chapter 10 . Where time allows , we do recommend working through the book ’ s exercises in sequence . The output of one exercise will inform those to follow .
Chapter 4 : Knowing yourself will be a particularly important chapter for many readers and a prime example of where your approach may differ . This Chapter takes the form of a methodical , detailed step-by-step approach to help you identify your best experiences , best qualities and areas for development . It also links to exercises described elsewhere in the book .
Where time is very tight , it may be more productive to bypass the in-depth exercise in Section 4.04 : So , how good a doctor are you ? while recognising that , in doing so , you will have missed a useful step in developing the breadth and depth of the examples that you may wish to call upon to be able to respond well to the sample interview questions toward the end of the book and , more importantly , perform well on the day of your interview .
Whichever approach you take to using this book , you will place yourself in the best position to perform well at your interview if you ensure that you :
• know yourself well
• know the job well
• know the system well
• know what ’ s ‘ hot ’
• can use this knowledge to demonstrate how you can bring added value to the organisation
Whichever approach you take , and whatever time you have available , the mix of thoughtprovoking text and exercises contained here will help you to build confidence and perform at your best when the big day comes .