Joomag Case Studies - Ernst & Young | Page 4

Solution EMEIA FSO enlisted the help of Joomag to create Pathways, an interactive, online career portal/magazine. Joomag’s Crater™ Editor coupled with its user-friendly interface allowed the EY subsidiary to develop a solution that was easy to navigate. Finally, information was consolidated into a single resource and made readily available for employees to access. EY smartly embedded Pathways directly onto its website, obviating the need for employees to download it. It was made more accessible and useful thanks to Joomag’s embedding feature. Pathways’ content is also highly customized and divided into 4 sections: “Seizing opportunities,” “Making your mark,” “Getting involved,” and “Work- ing with the best.” Each chapter harbors a unique tone, theme, and feel—all brought to life on every page as a result of Joomag’s extensive customiza- tion options. Various infographics, videos, and slideshows are peppered throughout the e-magazine. And to reinforce its message of camaraderie and career development, Pathways even includes employee case studies with links to additional, more detailed content. Of course, budget was also considered. Joomag’s online solution allowed EY to achieve its goals while getting the most bang for its buck. Paolo Galletti, HR Director at the EMEIA FSO, praised Joomag and remarked that “The project has been a huge success as the call to action for employees to take control of their own career development was clear and simple. Pathways is an innovative and invaluable tool that was pre- sented in interactive format. We made a decision early on to take risks with the content and borrowed from learnings in usability to focus on the people rather than the programs to engage the reader. The peer-to-peer guidance offered a personal touch and has certainly encouraged deeper engage- ment.”