EY understood that the EMEIA FSO was lacking a focused, online career
hub. And because programs within the office were split between various
departments with employees from all around the world, the company felt
that a sense of structure was lacking.
To kick things off, EY conducted several workshops to determine what
employees thought of the company’s existing career tools. Due to EY’s
large size, employees reported that they had a difficult time finding appro-
priate career opportunities. Information was too scattered across too many
different sources.
Interactive content creation: accordingly, the EMEIA FSO’s primary inten-
tion was to create a user-friendly, interactive career resource that would
present new opportunities to its employees and spark more conversations
about career development.
User management: the new resource would also require the assigning of
advanced rights and roles to multiple users and track user activity.
Viewer Customization: to ensure that the new career tool would engage
its employees, it would need a custom look and feel.
Editable content: it was critical for the EMEIA FSO to keep every single one
of its employees updated on the latest career news and resources. There-
fore, content had to be updatable in real-time.
Analytics: the EMEIA FSO’s solution needed to be visually striking. But it
would also need a measurable component so that the organization could
gauge employee engagement, satisfaction, and feedback.