Widgets & Notifications
Widgets are an app extension contained within your main mobile app that provide a way for you to publish high-value nuggets of timely information to specific app users , which are displayed on a user ’ s ’ Smartphone to be glanced at and digested briefly .
Push notifications are messages that alert users of highly relevant , timely and personal events , content , or messages . They stream in the background , oblivious to the user , until they see or hear an alert .
Widgets are configurable , so it is critical that yours creates value from the very first glance ( or you face being turned off ) - and , doesn ’ t simply exist as another way to open your app !
“% of app users would start using an app again given prompts : Discount or coupon for my next purchase ( 30 %); Exclusive or bonus content ( 24 %); Notification on phone when new features are added ( 16 %).”
U . S . Consumer Mobile Apps Study , 2014 , Google / Ipsos MediaCT
9-in-10 of those who have forgotten Travel & Holiday and Shopping apps would be open to use them again .
App-Nesia in the UK : The Need for Re-Engagement Marketing , 2015
If app supports push notifications , the user is asked to opt-in ( to get their permission )
Your notification user base should be made up of opt-in users , who gave explicit permission for you to push messages to them . Be clear about the different types of notifications you intend sending them , when you intend sending them , and the frequency . Always respect the user ’ s attention - the one scarcity all brands are competing for .
If app supports widgets and / or notifications , the user can glance at content and quickly perceive its relevance .
Be concise , timely and action-oriented with your widget or notification content , to ensure the user only needs to glance at it to understand its relevance - personal and timely - to them and know what the call-to-action is . Always respect the user ’ s attention - the one scarcity all brands are competing for . ( See images 35 , 36 ) image 35