John Carroll University 2017 Sorority Recruitment Booklet 2017 Sorority Recruitment Guide_JCU Panhellenic Co | Page 3
letter from the VP OF RECRUITMENT
Dear Poten*al New Member,
I am so excited that you have decided to embark on this
wonderful journey of sorority recruitment. At a *me, I too was in
your shoes and going through recruitment. I was a sophomore
transfer student in the fall of 2015 and knew only a handful of
people at John Carroll prior to transferring here. I was inspired to go
through sorority recruitment by a close friend aIer seeing the
incredible impact Greek life here at John Carroll had on her. I felt so
many emo*ons within the span of those three days– some good,
some bad, some exci*ng, and some conflic*ng.
Being in a sorority here at John Carroll has helped shape my college experience in so many ways.
Because of my sorority, I have taken on leadership roles and learned important skills that I use in
my academic work, as well as internships over the course of my college career. Because of my
sisters, I have made so many memories that have turned John Carroll from not only my college,
but my home. Our sorority life here at John Carroll truly is Panhellenic – you can make friends in
your sorority as well as with those women in other sorori*es.
I push you to use all the resources you can throughout recruitment weekend in order to have the
best possible experience. Your Recruitment Counselors are there for in whatever way you need
them. Myself, along with the other seven women on the Panhellenic Council, and our wonderful
Fraternity and Sorority advisor, Mary Ann Hanicak, are also here to help you as well. Recruitment
weekend can be stressful, and we are all here to make sure that your experience is smooth.
I hope that on Sunday evening, you will be able to feel the same sense of excitement, happiness,
and welcomeness I felt when I joined my sorority. I hope that you are able to find the
extraordinary sisterhood I found in my sorority. I wish you all the luck, and have an amazing
recruitment experience
With love,
Morgan FliW
Vice President of Recruitment and Membership