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A Small Introduction into EFT
EFT has its origins from Chinese Acupuncture and is sometimes referred to as
Acupressure, simply because you use your fingers to stimulate the meridian
points, where as Acupuncture uses needles to stimulate the same points.
Stimulation of the meridian points is done by gently but firmly tapping on the
points with your fingers.
Tapping the meridian points is only part of the process, the second part is talking.
Whilst you are tapping on the meridian points you are talking about the negative
emotion or limiting belief, thus clearing the blockage from your system.
A limiting belief might be “I cannot forgive my partner for what he did to me"
Conventional EFT consists of a lot of steps, and whilst this is what I learnt when I
first started out, I have never had a need to perform the full version of EFT. In
this Guide I will be showing you the “Refined Method” of EFT. From my
personal experience over many years I can confidently state that if this method of
EFT is not working then it has nothing to do with EFT itself, but more to do with
the words being used.
From my experience if EFT is not working to reduce or release a negative emotion
then it is almost always due to the words being used, or the topic being tapped.
The words in the EFT script may need to be changed to suit an individual
circumstance, or you might need to refine the topic being tapped.
“Don’t panic this should make more sense as we go along”
Another cause which affects your ability to release a limiting belief can be
attributed to what is known as Psychological Reversal. (I talk more about this later)
EFT is all about WORDS
The problem most humans have is the fact that we are no able to express
ourselves, we hide behind words and we do not say it like it is. So if we are hiding
and not stating the true facts whilst performing EFT we cannot expect to obtain
the release we are looking for. Words are the central point of EFT.
EFT is performed by tapping the meridian points on the body whilst stating the
words and phrases being used in the EFT Script (usually stated out aloud).