Joe Williams STOP Smooking With EFT PDF EBook Free Download STOP Smooking With EFT Reviews | Page 6

WHAT IS EFT Emotional Freedom Technique EFT is reasonably new; being that it has only been developed and refined over the last 20 years. EFT was first introduced in 1995 by Gary Craig a Stanford Engineering graduate who himself was on a lifelong pursuit of personal well-being. The process is continually being refined and enhanced as more and more individuals find their way into the profession. It is not suggested that the basic formula will ever change, but the words used in the setup and sequence process of EFT are always being scrutinized, as more of us in the profession help more and more individuals overcome and release lifelong unwanted restricting emotions. Gary Craig states that: "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's Energy System" These disruptions can be release with the use of EFT, thus releasing almost any stuck negative or limiting emotion which is holding you back from living a full life. EFT has been used to help individuals overcome negative emotions in areas such as: Fears & Phobias, Low Self Esteem, Procrastination, Panic Attacks, Depression, Trauma from Physical Abuse, Trauma from Sexual Abuse, Feelings of Being Unworthy, Severe Trauma (PTSD), Relationship Issues and much much moreā€¦ 5