Job shadowing sweden Eva Gómez Eva Gómez | Page 4

Job-shadowing in Sønderskov-Skolen (Søndenborg, Denmark) 4th February 2019 - 8th February 2019 THE GLOBAL HOUSE (VidensBy Søndenborg). Knowledge City Søndenborg (VidensBy Søndenborg ) is a “Learning Platform” that started some years ago with the House of Science and is organized in five different areas of action: The Global House, The House of Citizenship, The House of Creativity, The House of Health and The House of Science It gets fund from private corporations, the Municipality and ALL schools in Søndenborg. We met Marie Fink, Educational Coordinator of The Global House. She showed us the office in Søndenborg centre and told us about their work. They are a “big” steering group that supports education in the city of Søndenborg. They are in programmes, helping with diagnosis, planning and assessment of educational projects related to global competences. About DIAGNOSIS, PLANNING STRATEGIES and ASSESSMENT: - Every Headmaster/Headmistress in Denmark carries on periodical (1 or two a year) individual interviews with every member of their staff about different topics, including job satisfaction and expectations… - The Global House Director periodically summons all the Headmasters/Headmistress and gets necessary information related to the different projects they are involved in. - Consultants and Coordinators can be required to focus on specifics issues. - Consultants and Coordinators support the schools and the teachers to plan and implement actions to enhance students’ global competences. 4