JOB E LEARN Vol -1 issue -1 | Page 35

2.2.2 Content for e-learning The content used for e-learning is to be in the form of RLOs (Re usable Learning Objects) which can be associated to form the course content. The form of RLOs can be the 1. Text form 2. Number form 3. Graphic form or 4. Sound form basically. The content can be classified further as… 2.2.3 First Dimension- For e- content classified according to its basic data format:      Textual Content Graphical Content Multimedia Content Animated Content (Audio-Visual Content) Simulated Content (Interactive Content) 2.2.4 Second Dimension- For e- content classified as per pedagogical elements:           Introduction – general overview of the topic. Definitions & Theorems – formal statement of core elements of the topic. Theory - derivations with equations and diagrams. Discussions - examples with equations and diagrams. Queries Demonstration – Practice & Exercise Review – repetition of key ideas. Question and Answer – dialogue session with the students. Sub-Topic – branch to a related topic.