1.6 Ben Riley takes a look at the effect of e-learning on traditional
educational institutions.
From all these expert‟s views some of the reasons relate to nature of online
content, they are :
Online teaching-learning involves various forms of interactivity.
The e-content needs special attention to be given that how effectively it
is designed and developed with right band of activities, to be
motivational, accessible, and effective educationally.
Many online e-content development processes involve team of many
teachers, developers, managers and researchers to make the whole
process more scientific and accurate members may be from different
modes of jobs and tasks.
Communication among all these people and communication between the
teacher and students is an important part of effective online learning.
There is a challenge to device this effective communication because the
success of the e-learning depends basically on the communication.
Technical expertise plays a bigger role in the development of e-content
than in traditional print-based resources.
content development need to fit with the laid approaches and criteria
for the development:
The learning objects should be reusable, flexible and adaptable of
It should follow student and client-centred approach.
o Looking to all above things the management concepts are more
important to be incorporated to the area of e-learning and the
learning objects should be considered as a product
To be utilised to achieve the goal
To be sold as a product of learning
To be managed as a product of the company