The presenter can choose to pose a question and request feedback, clear feedback results and
even share that feedback. The type of feedback that is automated through many Virtual
Classroom tools is Hand Raising, Agree/disagree or “Too fast or Slow.” Participants also
have fun with emoticons, little icons that express how they feel.
Facilitators will use these tools extemporaneously. However, don’t be afraid of building some
of these into your design.
Asking and receiving feedback
Pose a question at any time
Verbally or through Chat
Allows for feedback
Hand Raising, Yes/No, Too Fast or Slow
During a training session, you can test or poll participants by presenting them with a
questionnaire on which they can select multiple choice answers or type answers
depending on how you set up the poll or test. Taking a poll or test can be useful for
gathering feedback from participants, allowing attendees to vote on a proposal, or
testing attendees knowledge of a topic.
To present a poll or test, you must first prepare a poll or test questionnaire. You can
prepare a poll or test at anytime during the training session. Or to save time during the
session, you can prepare the questions ahead of time and save them to load during the
session. You can load multiple polls or tests. It is strongly recommended that tests and
polls be designed into the course.
Once the attendee has completed the poll, you can view the results and even share
them with attendees. These results can be saved as well.
testing and polling
Multiple choice
Multiple-multiple choice
Prepare questions in advance
View, share and track results