JLife Magazine July-September 2017 Tucson JCC Volume 22 Number 7 | Page 7

BEAT THE HEAT, By: Kyle Antle, ISSA Personal Trainer, TRX Certified, JXT Coach Are you feeling the heat? Well it’s here and you may find yourself indoors more often now then you were just a month ago. Your desire to get outside and be active just isn’t there, but trust me, no one blames you for that. Below I have put together a few ideas to beat the heat and still stay fit throughout the summer. Start Early Being a native Tucsonan, I know how hot it can get and how quickly it gets there. Best way is to start with the sun, yes I know it’s early, but get your day started off on the right foot, you will find you have more energy through the day. This doesn’t have to be a strenuous activity, it’s early, but it’s still 80 degrees, keep it simple. A short run, a nice walk; just something to get the blood flowing in the morning and kick start your metabolism. Swim Need to cool off? Just jump into a pool! Though pools don’t have to be used just to cool off, they are a great form of exercise as well! You don’t have to be a world class swimmer to swim laps. If all you can do is doggy paddle, then get into a pool and doggy paddle for a few laps, you will feel it. Also you can grab a kickboard and take it easy, just keep moving. You don’t have to be out of breath, just be in motion for at least 30 straight minutes. Remember, even though it’s cooler in the pool, the sun is still intense; wear sunscreen! Superior care. Comfort and compassion. Grief support. This is hospice. Stay Indoors Here is the obvious answer and what you are probably doing already, but are you working out while you are staying in your house enjoying the wonders of AC? If you are still reading this far into this article, I’m assuming you’re not. You don’t need to have a home gym to get a workout in, there are plenty body weight exercises to help you reach your goals. Jumping jacks, body weight squats, planks, push-ups, crunches, lunges…just to name a few. There are plenty of options to get your workouts in and burn your calories while you are trying to “beat the heat”. Here at The J we offer more than 110 group fitness classes starting as early as 5:15 a.m., we have a great pool and also a fabulous fitness facility that is air conditioned with plenty of fans. If you would like a few personal training sessions to get you started, I have availability and would love to get you started on reaching your goals! Reach me at [email protected] or 520-390-1915. Coming soon: New inpatient unit at The Hacienda at the River. 520.544.9890 www.casahospice.com Hospice services are paid for by Medicare July 2017 | J Life Magazine  7