JLife Magazine July-September 2017 Tucson JCC Volume 22 Number 7 | Page 4

It’s too HOT to takes these kids out: Let’s ART! MaryAnn Kohl, childhood specialist, fosters creative confidence with The J’s Early Childhood Education Faculty By Eva Romero, Grants Writer 1. Present children with art opportunities. Ms. Kohl has written over 15 books describing an amazing array of art projects you can do with your littles, but just to provide one example, make block sculptures. You’ll need: a few pieces of insulation Styrofoam cut into blocks, pipe cleaners, buttons, beads, feathers, stickers and whatever else you have laying around that might be fun to throw in the mix. Children can bend the pipe cleaners into different shapes, decorating them with beads and buttons and “planting them” in the insulation base, which they can also decorate with stickers and feathers. These are just a few options; the important thing is to adapt to children’s ideas about what they want to create. Thanks in part to a Lifelong Arts Engagement Grant from Arizona Commission on the Arts, (who receive and administer funds from the State of Arizona and the National Endowment for the Arts), The J was able to host renowned childhood educator MaryAnn Kohl during teacher training on May 25th. Ms. Kohl has published many award-winning books on the subject of art for children. She has also worked as a consultant for companies such as Fisher-Price and the Jim Henson Company, and received the Bellingham Mayor’s Arts Award in her home state of Washington. So what does it mean to foster creative confidence in the youngest members of our family? Everyone is born with a creative mind and we laud creativity in the form of innovation in this start- up era, but over time we often lose trust in our creativity when it’s undermined, belittled or ways of thinking that involve only one correct answer are consistently privileged and re-enforced (think most school situations!) I know that sounds pretty sad, but the good news is that there are simple steps we can follow to keep that creative flame burning in our kiddos: 4  July 2017 | J Life Magazine