JLife Magazine July-September 2017 Tucson JCC Volume 22 Number 7 | Page 2

Letter from the CEO

Todd Rockoff President & CEO ( 520 ) 299 – 1904 or trockoff @ tucsonjcc . org
We create community based on Jewish Values by providing the highest quality programs and services in a safe and secure environment for All people of All ages .
This is our pledge and promise to the members of The J and the entire Tucson community . Through many various activities at The J we pledge to create a warm and welcoming environment for all , one that fosters growth and connection .
We are taught , “ When a stranger lives with you in your land , do not afflict him . As one of your citizens , the stranger who lives with you shall be to you , and you shall love him as yourself , for you were strangers in the land of Egypt , I am the Lord your God .” ( Lev . 19:33-34 ) In that spirit we open up the doors of The J on all sides to welcome all to be a part of the community that is being created here .
The J offers a wide range of programs and in the coming weeks our new Fall program guide will be mailed and emailed to you . Take some time to look through the guide as I am sure you and your family will find many new and evergreen programs that are of interest to you ! If you don ’ t see anything you are interested in or have an idea of a different program , don ’ t be shy let us know , your feedback and engagement is important to our success .
In addition to “ regular ” programming , I am pleased to share with you a new initiative that we have formed at The J . In May of 2016 , seven of our board members attended the JCC Association Biennial in Baltimore . We returned with new ideas and a renewed energy to serve and provide service to our community .
One of those ideas was to establish a Tikkun Olam ( social action ) committee here at The J . This past March , we completed our first project in partnership with the Catholic Community Services Pio Decimo Center . A dedicated crew of The J ’ s volunteers and staff helped paint several buildings at the center that provide housing for the homeless . Our next project is a partnership with Youth On Their Own . You can read more about our efforts on the next page .
I hope in the coming months that I have the opportunity to engage with you during one of the many activities that we have or just casually through a conversation in the hall or over a cup of coffee .
Engagement ? We talk a lot about engagement . How do we engage with more people ? Recently the Board approved our new strategic plan , which focuses on creating true engagement . We are going to create relationships with you through an active process that moves in both directions . Successful relationships are not one way streets . They are dynamic and require ongoing attention . This is the relationship that we seek to establish with our community .
Over the past four years we have shifted the way we look at programming from an individual department process to a collaborative one and we actively engage in partnerships with the other Jewish agencies , synagogues and meaningful partnerships throughout the Tucson community .
Our program philosophy is called Discover @ J and it is based on two things , first that the entire J is about wellness in one way or another and everything we do interrelates with something another department is doing . Working together , we gain strength from our partners both internally and externally .
All of our initiatives , programs , efforts and outreach is bound together by our brand , The J . We present The J — as a Jewish environment where our commitment to Jewish living transcends differences between us to create a positive atmosphere where anything can happen .
At our J we can all Live Up™ to our goals , Live Up™ to our dreams , and Live Up™ to our aspirations — small and large .
Our J is like a tent open on all four sides so we can welcome people in from all sides and actively go out and seek engagement . There is truly something special about this place !
It is truly an honor to serve as CEO and President of this amazing and special organization and I know that together we will continue to move forward and do amazing things at the Tucson J .
If you have any questions or suggestions , do not hesitate to write or call . My email is trockoff @ tucsonjcc . org and my direct line is 520-299-1904 .
LETTER FROM THE CEO ............................................................................................................................... 2 TIKKUN OLAM ................................................................................................................................................ 3 LETS ART ...................................................................................................................................................... 4-5 WELCOME NEW STAFF ................................................................................................................................. 6 BEAT THE HEAT .............................................................................................................................................. 7 ARTS & CULTURE ........................................................................................................................................... 8 JPLAY GETS A FACELIFT !......................................................................................................................... 10 TRIBUTES ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 CONCUSSION ............................................................................................................................................... 10 HOURS OF OPERATION ............................................................................................................................ 11 HOLIDAY HOURS ......................................................................................................................................... 11
2 July 2017 | J Life Magazine
The Tucson Jewish Community Center is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona and Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona . The Tucson J is a member of the Jewish Community Centers Association of North America . Center View is published four times annually by the Tucson J .