Jewish Life Digital Edition July 2015 | Page 24

UNITY YAD VASHEM COLLECTION What does unity FEEL LIKE? Barry Manilow was onto something when he sang: “I feel sad when you’re sad, I feel glad when you’re glad” I BY RABBI MOSHE KURTSTAG WITH ROBERT SUSSMAN 20 JEWISH LIFE ISSUE 86 Among the many rabbis who came to the defence of Beilis and the Talmud was Rabbi Meir Shapiro3, z”l, who is today best known as the person who instituted the daily study of Talmud (gemara) known as Daf Yomi (the learning of a single page, back and front, of gemara each day, which takes place throughout the world and enables a person to complete the study of the entire gemara in a period of roughly 7.5 years), who sent an explanation of this gemara for Beilis’ defence attorney to use at the trial. Rabbi Shapiro argued that the Jewish people are referred to by the singu- Rabbi Meir Shapiro ALTHOUGH THE JEWISH PEOPLE ARE SPREAD OUT ALL OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD, OUT OF THESE VARIED AND SEEMINGLY DISCONNECTED PARTS, WE COMPRISE ONE SINGLE, INTERCONNECTED BODY. lar ‘adam’ – man – rather than the plural, ‘anashim’ (men), because we are really a single entity that happens to be made up of many different parts, in the same way that a single human body is comprised of many different parts: skin, bones, sinews, muscles, organs, etc. Although the Jewish people are spread out all over the entire world, out of these varied and seemingly disconnected parts, we comprise one single, interconnected body. When one of us is in pain, we are all in pain, and when one of is in trouble, we are all in trouble – and Rabbi Shapiro argued, the worldwide outpouring of support for Beilis in terms of the many letters, etc, should be clear enough evidence of this for the court. Fur- thermore, the gemara4 teaches: Kol Yisroel areivim zeh la’zeh – “all Jews are responsible for each other” – the Jewish people care about and feel a unique responsibility for the welfare of one another. A single Jew on trial in Russia is of tremendous concern to every other Jew, whether those Jews are in Amsterdam, or London, or New York – such a thing touches and affects every single Jew, no matter where he may be in the world; it is, from the perspective of the Jewish people and their holy Torah, as though the entire Jewish people were on trial! And we see this idea throughout Jewish history; whenever Jews are threatened, we put aside our differences and the entire people come together and unite. PHOTOGRAPHS: WWW.WIKIPEDIA.ORG WE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO SAY WHAT UNITY LOOKS like, but we can describe how it should feel. In 19111, a blood libel was brought in Kiev against Menachem Mendel Beilis, a Russian Jew, who was accused of murdering a nonJewish child. While Beilis awaited trial in prison for more than two years, anti-Semitism raged, as accusations of a secret ritual ]\