Jewish Life Digital Edition April 2014 | Page 44

SCENE AT… BY RACHEL FALKSON PURIM 5774 TORAH ACADEMY BOYS HIGH OR ZARUA SHUL Delivering shalach manos on a fire engine – Gilan Blecher (grade 11) and Adam Shaw (grade 8) Rav Shmueli and Tali Kagan at the Or Zarua Purim party at Huddle Golf Course TORAH ACADEMY GIRLS HIGH Shevi Goldstuck, Hannah Swartz, Adina Swartz and Michal Gershuni Powerpuff characters at the Or Zarua Purim party at Huddle Park Golf Course, from left: David Gordon, David Schneider, Netanel Azizollahoff Front: Alon Evan-Tov PURIM AT YIDDISH FOLK YESHIVA COLLEGE GIRLS HIGH Sarina Stein, Pnina Herring, Natanya Feigin and Michal Lew with their helium balloon mishloach manot from the matrics 40 JEWISH LIFE ISSUE 72