Jew Perfect Jew Perfect Rosh Hashanah - Issue 3 | Page 15

In this week's torah portion it talks about how Moshe spoke to the Bnei Yisrael before he left this world. Though it doesn’t say that just Moshe sang the song, but it says that Yehoshua and Moshe sang this song.

And why is that? You may ask. Well, it's simple, you see, our chachamim tell us that at this time Moshe and Yehoshua were fulfilling the role as leader. Moshe prepared it so that Yehoshua should also speak. Unlike most Nevi'im, Moshe let Yehoshua act as a leader when he was still alive. This was done to show the Yiddin that they could trust Yehoshua and that they should not ask him questions like “Why are you our new leader?” or “What makes you think we can trust you?” All this was done to show the Yiddin that Moshe did agree with this and that they should listen to Yehoshua.

But still one question remains. Why wouldn’t people trust him? Why was Moshe so worried?

Well my zi’se Kinderlach, the answer is pretty simple, you see, Yehoshua was a very humble man and in the times of Moshe he did not what we could call “lifted his head”. He always attended to Moshe like a faithful servant.

Even in his time as leader Yehoshua never did anything which was not needed "Moshe raised up Yehoshua in his own lifetime, because Yehoshua never 'raised his head' on his own. Even when he was given the leadership role, he did not feel his importance."

By Yisroel Stiefel

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