JCC 2024 Winter/Spring Activity Guide Winter/Spring 2024 | Page 9

Special Events

A Night at the Races Gala
February 15 , 2024 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Back by popular demand , A Night at the Races is the ultimate evening featuring professional horse racing on the big screen . Join us to cheer on your horse to victory while enjoying cocktails , seated dinner , music , and more . Our sponsors are invited to the Jockey Club for a pre-event VIP cocktail hour .
Fundraising proceeds support the Weinstein JCC mission to ensure our programs , resources , and services are accessible and open to all .
Tickets | $ 200 each Sponsorships start at $ 1,000
JCCgala24 . givesmart . com
25th Annual Weinstein JCC Golf Tournament
Belmont Golf Course May 7 , 2024 7:30 AM - 1:00 PM
This year ’ s tournament returns to Belmont Golf Course for the fourth year . The tournament includes breakfast snacks , gifts , prizes , on-course refreshments , and a boxed lunch reception .
Through the work of Love Golf Design , Belmont ’ s main course consists of 12 restored A . W . Tillinghast holes and was the site of the 1945 Richmond Invitational , won by Ben Hogan , and the 1949 PGA Championship won by Virginian Sam Snead .
Fundraising proceeds support the Weinstein JCC mission to ensure our programs , resources , and services are accessible and open to all .
More details to be released in February 2024 ! Contact Sydney Berman at sberman @ weinsteinjcc . org or 804-545-8659 for more information .
The Weinstein JCC Preschool is once again selling freshly baked Hamantaschen by Shalom Kosher of Baltimore . This is the Preschool ’ s biggest and the communities most beloved fundraiser ! All proceeds go to enhance our beautiful , certified outdoor nature play spaces !
Pick-Ups will occur Tuesday , March 19 in the afternoon , and Wednesday , March 20 between 9:00am-4:00pm in the Israel November Auditorium . Visit the Hamantaschen Café in the Richard A . Arenstein Main Lobby March 20 - 22 and Sunday March 24 during the Purim Celebration .
Hamantaschen will be available until they run out . Please pre-order ( any amount ) to ensure you receive your favorites !
Time to nosh Hamantaschen !
To pre-order visit www . weinsteinjcc . org / community-engagement / hamantaschen-2024 . Pre-orders must be placed by Thursday . February 29 . For more information , please contact EC Administrative Assistant , Caroline Clark at cclark @ weinsteinjcc . org
Weinstein JCC • 2024 Winter / Spring Activity Guide 9