JBHF Donor Report 2020 | Page 4

From the Hospital

These have been unprecedented times – unlike anything many of us have ever seen or experienced in our lives . COVID-19 has tested the strength and resilience of our hospital , our physicians , our staff , and our community in ways we couldn ’ t anticipate .
COVID-19 has and will continue to shape our daily lives including , how healthcare is delivered now and in the foreseeable future . What hasn ’ t changed is our commitment to safe , quality , patient-centered care and we accomplished a number of things over the past year .
A significant effort was focused on achieving timely and well-coordinated care for patients admitted through our Emergency Department ( ED ). Even with a steady increase in ED patient visits , momentous improvements were achieved and sustained this year . Joseph Brant Hospital was recognized as the Most Improved Medium-Volume Community Hospital by the Provincial Government , with a reduction of 44.0 % in 90th Percentile ED Length of Stay , from Fiscal Year 2018-2019 to Fiscal Year 2019-2020 . In March 2020 , our ED was ranked 9th out of all 74 Ontario hospitals , for ED Pay-for-Results ( P4R ) performance .
In December 2019 , Burlington became one of the first communities in Ontario to move forward with establishing an Ontario Health Team ( OHT ). Our community has a long history of working together through collaboration across primary care , acute care , home care , community support services , long-term care and social services . This partnership has led to the development of a number of integrated care delivery models
that will evolve as the Burlington OHT continues to develop .
Looking ahead , we recognize there is more work to do and I hope we can continue to count on your support .
Thank you ,
Eric Vandewall President and CEO , Joseph Brant Hospital .
4 Joseph Brant Hospital Foundation