JBHF Donor Report 2020 | Page 3

From the Foundation

The past year has been one we ’ ll never forget , both for the incredible challenges we faced across the globe , but also for the resilience our community has shown during this pandemic .
COVID-19 brought challenges to our hospital and beyond in March and fundamentally changed the way we live . Physical distancing , limited contact with friends and family , and face coverings all became a part of our daily lives . And throughout the constant change and upheaval the one constant for us as a Foundation was our appreciation for your support .
The dedication you have shown our community hospital and our healthcare workers is inspiring .
Joseph Brant Hospital is there for you in the moments that matter , and you continued to show that you are here for us .
Our staff were on the frontlines everyday , but knowing you stood with them and shared your appreciation through lawn signs , t-shirts , and donations truly made us stronger as a community .
And your support is making an impact on healthcare for our community .
Patients like George , the first COVID-19 patient treated at JBH ; or Craig , who has his life back after receiving treatment in our Mental Health and Additions program ; or Luis , who spent the holidays with his wife and daughters after spending them in our ICU the year before .
These are just a few of the lives that your support for our hospital has touched , and we hope you can take a moment to reflect on the impact you are having on the health of our community .
Thank you once again for your generous giving to our community hospital .
Anna Iacobelli Chair , Joseph Brant Hospital Foundation Board of Directors
Anissa Hilborn President , Joseph Brant Hospital Foundation
Donor Report 2019-2020 3