JBHF 2021 Donor Report | Page 11

The RBC Foundation Supports Expansion of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services

The last 18 months have been hard on everyone . Nothing has been normal . Nothing has felt right . And nobody has felt this more than kids .
Studies have shown that in the last year , more than 50 % of children and adolescents have reported clinically significant depressive symptoms .
But thanks to the generous support of donors like the RBC Foundation , our Child and Adolsecent Psychiatric ( CAP ) Clinic has been there to provide youth with the right care at the right time . a result , the CAP Clinic referrals have increased exponentially over the past 18 months . Loss of control , feelings of uncertainty , and changes to routine are contributing to symptoms of anxiety , low mood , adjustment disorders , eating disorders , and parentchild relational problems .
Thank you to The RBC Foundation for all your support of local healthcare and for making a difference in the lives of the youth in our community .
The RBC Foundation began supporting the expansion of the CAP Clinic back in 2013 , enabling the program to grow from one-day a week to five-days a week , offering the children , youth and families in our community better access to care .
Over the past eight years , the CAP Clinic has seen a 400 % increase in referrals , while providing a significant reduction in wait times . Prior to the pandemic , the CAP Clinic achieved zero wait time for appointments with a child and adolescent psychiatrist , nurse and social worker , down from 52 days in 2013 .
The impact on children and adolescents has been particularly hard during the pandemic and , as
Donor Report 2021 11