JavenNekola May 2014 | Page 2

Who Am I?

My name is Javen Nekola, but I am known as many different things to many different people. If you ask my friends, they will refer to me as “Javen”. If you ask my parents, they will refer to me as “their pride and joy”. If you ask my ego, it will refer to me as “The Talent”. If you ask other students, they will call me “the annoying guy full of bad puns and stupid jokes that nobody laughs at, but he still won’t take a hint”. If you ask my co-workers, they will probably ask if you meant, “that white guy?” The

funny thing is that all of these are

true. If you want to know me, you will have to first know the people that make my life what it is. There’s my parents (Brian and Heather), my girlfriend (Sydney), my best friend (Jared) and the plethora of other people I interact with on a daily basis. Hopefully they have only good things to say about me, but I’ve definitely given them enough bad to work with.

Overall, I’m an 18 year-old musician and competitive Pokemon player who thinks that Modest Mouse is the best band to ever live and hopes to become a band director or famous performer. My life is a series of poorly timed jokes, correctly timed rhythms, and even more poorly timed jokes.