Jasmine's Place Issue No. 6 - July/August 2013 | Page 28


You are not alone

… even in a wilderness
And that was only the beginning .
- Our daughter ’ s newborn test came back abnormal and after a re-test , the wrong results were given . She missed two months of medicine that were critical to development .
- Our daughter became sick with cold-like symptoms and the same office ( we were in the midst of changing but had not found anyone ) prescribed Tylenol with codeine , which I argued was too strong for a 3 month old . I was right .
By Julie Arduini
- She developed croup , her body started to down , and we nearly lost her .
My personal wilderness season started late in 2003 . It should have been the happiest time of my life , a pregnancy after infertility and miscarriage , but I lived in Upstate NY after the 9 / 11 attacks .
The financial effects of the tragedy spread and my job no longer had funding . Soon after , my husband ’ s job transitioned from salary with benefits to commission and no benefits .
- The same daughter developed RSV , and then pneumonia , which hospitalized her .
- While all this happened , my father was diagnosed with lung cancer .
- My husband ’ s job ended , as did his temp job .
- He found a job 300 miles away . I lived in one state selling a house , while my husband started a new job in another state , looking for our new