After the devastating earthquake, Bobby and Sherry knew God intended for
them to help the nation of victims recover. Partners of Love A Child
provided more than 500 new, permanent homes for the displaced victims of
the earthquake, in what is now known as Miracle Village. The new
beginning for these more than 2000 people is truly a miracle as many of the
new residents now have more than they ever had before the earthquake.
Now they have hope and a home, their own school, a medical clinic, wells,
playground, a church and more.
Bobby and Sherry quickly realized
that now God was thrusting Love A
Child into the ultimate stage of
helping people - development for
sustainability. God’s plan was
being visualized by them as
centering around a grand new
regional marketplace where the
residents of Miracle Village would
have places for businesses, where
they could support themselves and
realize their longed-for potential of
Miracle Village
As the plans for the market place evolved, it became clear that Love A Child will
need to provide more resources, like training and equipment for new skills for
new successful businesses … a place to train and demonstrate the “best
practices” for sustainable agriculture, appropriate to their region of Haiti. This
new agricultural outreach would not only increase each families own food
security but also afford any excess to be taken to market to help a new
economy flourish and provide available food nutrition for the surrounding
These programs would also offer realistic ways to improve the countryside, by
reforestation with edible and nutritious plants that would control soil erosion,
improve the soil and provide refuge from ravages of storms, as well as
introduce appropriate technologies for improving daily life at the grassroots
level. God has shown His faithful favor upon the people of Haiti through the
selfless work of Bobby and Sherry Burnette and Love A Child, who have made a
lifestyle out of showing that “Love is not something you just talk about, but
Love is something that you do … ” Find out more about this great work at