From their beginnings as Evangelists, preaching the countryside about the
Love of Jesus, they quickly changed focus to actually demonstrating the Love
of Christ when a lady in their gospel tent challenged them with “. . . if this
God you are preaching about is so good, why is my baby starving?”
They soon began their relief efforts by feeding, clothing, healing the poor.
Shortly, a dying lady told them they had to take her 4 children and raise
them. That began their orphanage, which today is the number 1 rated
orphanage in Haiti, now home to more than 70 children who were rescued
from a life of misery and near death.
Moses, now 6 is one example of
the salvation that Love A Child
offers. Unwanted at birth,
Moses’ mother delivered him
into the harshest, lowest place
on earth … the pit of a Haitian
Left there to die, his feeble cries
were heard by a passing man
who knew he had to rescue the
baby and get him to Madame
Sherry and Pastor Bobby at Love
A Child.
Moses on arrival at Love A Child.
Today Moses is an active
healthy leader among his
brothers and sisters at the
orphanage in Fond Parisien,
Haiti, and even believes he
could one day be the President
of Haiti.
Moses today - the next president
of Haiti? - Yes!