JAPAN and the WORLD Magazine JULY ISSUE 2015 #Issue 12 | Page 46

BENIN BILATERAL TALKS NIGER BURKINA FASO BENIN TOGO NIGERIA Porto Novo Cotonou H.E MR. RUFIN ZOMAHOUN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Benin 駐日ベナン共和国大使 ゾマホン ルファン of the Republic of Benin in Japan, makes a great effort to promote bilateral relations by engaging many Beninese citizens through the IFE Foundation, a Non-Profit Organization that he established in Benin’s economic capital, Cotonou. Thanks to this foundation’s activities, Japanese volunteers have the opportunity to go to Benin and teach Japanese language, culture and history in “Takeshi Nihongo Gakko”. The Japanese language school opened in 2003, and is the only free Japanese language facility in Africa. Additionally, around fifty students from Benin came to Japan thanks to scholarship programs to study agriculture, medicine, technology and communication in the faculties of many prestigious universities such as Tokyo University, Yamagata University, Tsukuba University and Kumamoto University. Benin has an Industrial Free Zone (IFZ) where the investors benefit from a number of custom and tax incentives. To be authorized to establish itself in the IFZ, a company must fulfill the following conditions: Export at least 65 percent of its annual production Guarantee employment of Beninese citizens Training of Beninese citizens Utilization of local raw materials The most profitable investment sectors are cotton, palm oil, cashew nut, shea butter, pineapple and fishery. Other viable investments include textile, mineral resources, hydrocarbons and electric energy. INVESTMENT Benin is an important commercial crossroad in West Africa, located on the Gulf of Guinea. Its largest city, Cotonou is an economic and transportation hub. Transshipment takes a significant place in the general traffic of the Port of Cotonou, which is willing to take it upon itself to function as both a transit and regional port. The port facilitates transshipping for Nigeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger. In addition to the port, a free trade zone was established inside the city to be used by the landlocked Saharan States. 46 // JULY 2015 The most profitable investment sectors are cotton, palm oil, cashew nut, shea butter, pineapple and fishery. Other viable investments include textile, mineral resources, hydrocarbons and electric energy. E s t a bl i sh e d i n 1962, t h e Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin (CCIB) helps potential businesses to develop professional networks, and provides key information and guidance about existing investment opportunities. TOURISM With a good infrastructure, a wide range of accommodation options and also ecotourism initiatives that offer travellers a chance to delve deeper into Beninese life, Benin is a wonderful tourist destination. Beninese culture is as rich and diverse as its landscape. With strong religious roots preserving most of the traditions, Beninese culture is certainly one of the most unique and interesting in Africa. An important part of Benin is the VOODOO animistic religion, which deals with healing and rejuvenating talismans. The oral tradition is still very much alive, hence the absence of Beninese literature, even though the culture prides itself of its ancient stories and folklore. The tourism sector in Benin has enormous potential. The development of touristic activities provides a boon for investors seeking new growth opportunities in all sectors. 今 後5年間の目標は経済成長を少なくとも 8%増にまで加速し、 投資率を現在の19% から28%にまで引き上げることです。歴史 上一度も内乱が起きていない、安定した平和な民 主主義国家ということが特に評価され、ベナンは