JAPAN and the WORLD Magazine JULY ISSUE 2015 #Issue 12 | Page 45

BILATERAL TALKS ベナン共和国政府の戦略的方向性 BENIN Cotonou Skyline (Benin) The administration of President Yayi Boni aims to transform Benin’s economy and the political system into a modern one. To achieve its goals, Benin organized an economic roundtable in Paris in June last year. At the end of this roundtable, participating governments, as well as partners from the public and private sectors pledged USD 12 billion to finance the various programs and projects in Benin. ボニ・ヤイ大統領はベナンの経済と政治体制を現代的なものに転換することを目標としています。政府は目標達成に向 け、昨年6月、パリで経済円卓会議を主催しました。 この円卓会議の終わりに、参加国政府ならびに公共・民 間部門のパー トナーらが、ベナンでのさまざまなプログラムやプロジェクトへの資金提供として120億米ドルの支援を約束しました。 O ver the next five years, Benin intends to accelerate economic growth to reach at least an 8 percent increase and to raise the current investment rate from 19 percent to 28 percent. Benin is a stable and peaceful democracy that has never faced civil war and became one of the preferred destinations for foreign direct investment (FDI) in Africa. Benin is a stable and peaceful democracy that has never faced civil war and became one of the preferred destinations for foreign direct investment (FDI) in Africa. To facilitate Benin’s economic development, the government is focusing on stimulating and developing the private sector. The strategic orientations defined by the Beninese Government to reach its goals are the following: Rebuilding an efficient and modern administration to assist the development of the private sector Reorganizing a stable macroeconomic environment and maintaining its stability Promoting a renewed economy through the establishment of an economic and institutional environment of international standards and the diversification of production Developing infrastructure Strengthening human resource capacity Ensuring a balanced and sustainable development on the national territory BENIN – BILATERAL RELATIONS WITH JAPAN Japan is one of the Benin’s stronger political allies and has supported various programs over the years, which underlines their positive and cooperative bilateral relations. This year, Benin celebrates the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Japan. Japan’s official development assistance (ODA) to Benin—both in grants and loans— has been critical in the improvements of Benin’s infrastructure, health care system, education and agriculture. H.E. Mr. Zomahoun D.C. Rufin, Ambassador JULY 2015 // 45