JAPAN and the WORLD Magazine APRIL ISSUE 2016 #Issue 15 | Page 16

MESSAGE AROUND MARCH 11 THANK YOU TO THE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE WORLD RECEIVED AFTER THE MARCH 11TH DISASTER INTRODUCTION When the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami struck in March 11th, 2011, countless countries from around the world offered assistance to Japan. 2011年3月11日の東日本大震災の発生後、世界中の数々の国か ら支援の手が差し伸べられた。 QATAR カタール 3月11日の東日本大震災後、 シェイク・ハマド・ビン・ハリーファ・アール・サーニ・ カタール国首長殿下(1995~2013年在職) が被災地の早期復興を支援する ために一億ドルの震災支援金を提供した。 これを受けてユセフ・モハメド・ビラー ル駐日カタール大使が議長を務めるカタール・フレンド基金(QFF) が設立され、 迅速かつ持続的な支援が必要とされる関係各所へサポート活動が実施された。 2012年に、 両国の外交関係樹立40周年を祝って、 村上隆氏の 「Murakami-Ego」 展がペルシャ湾に面するカタール半島東岸の首都ドーハのAl-Riwaqエキシビジョ ンホールにて開催された。 この特別展示会には、 村上氏の東日本大震災直後にい ち早く支援の手を差し伸べたカタールへの深い感謝の意が込められている 。 MICRONESIA ミクロネシア INTILAQ–Tohoku Innovation Center sponsored by Qatar Friendship Fund. Speaker Simina and Members of the Goodwill Mission inspect a reconstruction site of a disaster affected village of Iwaki City Fukushima Prefecture. After the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11th, H.H. Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the ruling Emir of the State of Qatar (1995-2013), announced a 100 million USD gift to Japan to assist relief efforts and accelerate the recovery of victims. As a consequence, the Qatar Friendship Fund (QFF), chaired by H.E. Yousef Bilal, Qatari Ambassador to Japan, was established to support projects that address urgent and sustainable needs for beneficiaries. The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) held a special session of the Congress on March 26th, 2011 and issued the following resolution expressing condolence to the people of Japan. During the session, the Congress also proposed and adopted a bill to provide Japan with 100,000 USD assistance in relief efforts. This is the largest financial assistance that the small country of FSM has ever provided to another country. In 2012, for the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Takashi Murakami held the Murakami – Ego exhibition at the Al-Riwaq Exhibition Hall in Doha, the capital of Qatar located at the east side of the country directly adjacent to the Persian Gulf. This unique exhibition stands for Murakami’s deep gratitude to Qatar because Qatar was one of the first nations that offered Japan assistance after the disaster on March 11th. In addition to the above, many private NGOs and NPOs conducted donation drives and donated through the Red Cross society. Some students of the FSM also arranged a car wash with signs reading “CAR WASH: One Dollar for Japan”. The FSM-Japan Friendship Society also held a dinner to raise donation funds for Japan. 15 // APRIL 2016 Through the FSM Tokyo Embassy, the FSM also gave strong support JAPAN AND THE WORLD MAGAZINE