January 6, 2025 | Page 42

Maritime 2025 Annual Review & Outlook
Executive Commentary
labor unrest or weather issues have led to a growth in port and terminal investments at US seaports . The ability to address these investments to meet the needs of US consumers is key to job creation and economic stability .
Florida seaports have invested millions in priority infrastructure projects to “ Seas the Opportunity ” provided by these challenges . These investments support 1.2 million jobs , almost $ 200 billion of commercial activity and a $ 62 return for every $ 1 invested .
Congress has created several discretionary programs to invest in seaport infrastructure . The problem with these discretionary programs is they often entail additional federal rules and regulations that are burdensome and don ’ t enable adequate planning and efficient use . Congress should consider similar treatment of seaport infrastructure as provided to roads and airports . Similar to those federal programmatic allocations , funds could be assigned to states under a statutory formula to ensure annual allocations of funds . The Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund has been amended by Congress to allocate federal dollars to harbor maintenance projects at donor and energy ports . Additional recurring funds should be allocated to on-port infrastructure projects to help with supply chain resiliency and efficiency projects .
Transportation costs remain a significant portion of the costs of consumer goods . The impact of inflation is not only felt in consumers ’ pockets , but also in construction and maintenance costs of seaport infrastructure . We must increase federal investments in this nation ’ s seaports to address issues of supply chain resiliency and efficiency .
Georgia Ports Authority
Griff Lynch
President and CEO www . gaports . com
Market conditions can change quickly , and ports must flex to match cargo volume demands . That ’ s why the Georgia Ports Authority ( GPA ) plans for and maintains a 20 % buffer in extra capacity to
“ By being open to learning from each other , we can adopt best practices that make sense for the situations and conditions at our respective ports .”
Simon Aynsley
“ Governments and regulators can also help by implementing carbon pricing mechanisms , offering subsidies , establishing fair regulations and introducing uniform rules to provide clear guidance for the shipping industry actors .”
Fulvio Fracassi
“ Market conditions can change quickly , and ports must flex to match cargo volume demands .”
Griff Lynch
Simon Aynsley
Chief Commercial Officer www . gulftainer . com
Recent major disruptions , coupled with congestion stemming from geopolitical tensions , have established a new normal for the global shipping and port operations landscape . We may continue to feel the effects of this situation through 2025 and beyond . As dockworkers express concerns over automation ’ s potential to diminish job opportunities , the risk of further labor disruptions remains a significant factor . Operators , in turn , are increasingly wary of these disputes as they drive up operational costs .
In this context , the adoption of advanced digital technologies is expected to accelerate across the industry . Smart port initiatives hold the promise of enhancing operational efficiency through real-time monitoring and predictive analytics . However , this technological shift may be met with resistance from labor unions globally .
Additionally , escalating geopolitical tensions have the potential to keep the supply chain and logistics industry in a state of uncertainty . These tensions can damage vessels , inflate operational and insurance costs , and cause delays or vessel bunching . This bunching exacerbates port congestion , negatively impacting operators ’ efficiency while imposing financial burdens in the form of detention and demurrage charges , which can contribute to rising inflation .
Moreover , as traditional ports become congested , shipping companies may resort to rerouting cargo to less-congested facilities such as the Khorfakkan Container Terminal in Sharjah , United Arab Emirates , or Jubail Container Terminal in Saudi Arabia . These offer an alternative gateway and feeder and land bridging solutions via Momentum Logistics . These lesscongested ports will help in avoiding delays and reducing supply chain costs .
absorb cargo surges and ensure business resiliency . Port infrastructure is a long-term investment and construction timeline . GPA has $ 4.2 billon planned in new port capacity and inland connections in the next 10 years to meet future growth . This investment comes on the heels of $ 3.27 billion in investments since 2012 to increase port capacity . Capacity at the Port of Savannah will increase from 7 million TEUs today to 12 million TEUs in 2030 . Storage space on terminal is another key option for customers to easily manage their supply chain speed and cost control . GPA opened a new $ 200 million 100-acre storage facility called Garden City Terminal West in June 2024 , with 1 million TEUs of capacity for long-term storage in the Port of Savannah . Ports are gateways to inland markets , so investment in new locations is required .
Halifax Port Authority
Fulvio Fracassi
President and CEO www . porthalifax . ca
Ports , terminal operators and container lines provide supply chain security . By seamlessly working together , we deliver goods and materials needed for everyday life around the world .
But getting this job done has complexities . Geopolitical challenges upend traditional trade patterns and impact vessel scheduling . New trade alliances form , and lines adjust their ports of call . Through this period of transition ,
40 Journal of Commerce | January 6 , 2025 www . joc . com