Pet Calendar of Events anuary
1786 East 3rd Street , Williamsport • 570-322-1020
Pet Calendar of Events anuary
National Train Your Dog Month National Walk Your Pet Month Adopt A Rescued Bird Month
Calico Creek Feed and Pet is above and beyond your average pet store !
January 2 - National Pet Travel Safety Day January 5 - National Bird Day January 14 - Natl . Dress Up Your Pet Day January 20 - Natl . Penguin Appreciation Day January 21 - Natl . Squirrel Appreciation Day January 24 - Change A Pet ' s Life Day January 29 - Seeing Eye Guide Dog Birthday
We carry pet coats and sweaters in all sizes ! Keep your Fur Babies warm this winter ! 570-726-3647 www . calicocreekfeedandpets . com
2967 EAGLE VALLEY ROAD , ROUTE 150 , MILL HALL Open : Monday-Friday 8:30am - 6pm , Saturday 8:30am - 4pm .
Stephen Malizia montour04 @ gmail . com Store Hours : Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm
Broken or cracked cell phone screen ? Dead battery ? Water damage ? Clogged charging port ? Don ' t throw away your old smartphone - fix it !
Steve Malizia has been fixing phones and computers ( hardware and software ) for over 30 years . Most repairs are fixed the same day ... usually in under an hour .
1786 East 3rd Street , Williamsport • 570-322-1020
Affordable Advertising - Effective Results !
Pawsitively Pets is published by : Bear Country Radio 103 West Highland Street • P . O . Box 99 • Avis , PA 17721 • 570-769-2327
Editor / Publisher : Karyn Stratton Contributing Editors : Linda Roller , Cindy Harkey , Cheyenne Pratt .
Pawsitively Pets Magazine Founders : Jeff , Dave , & Debbie Stachowski
Pawsitively Pets -- January