- Karyn Stratton
In This Issue :
A Note From The Editor :
Happy New Year ... hope your holidays were everything you wanted them to be ! As the season fades to memories , it ' s time to get back to " real " life . For those who work in animal shelters and rescues , that entails bracing themselves for the onslaught of pets being left out in the cold or otherwise neglected this winter , and Christmas pets that " aren ' t working out ." Fortunately , the enactment of Libre ' s Law in PA makes it illegal to leave pets outside in temperatures below 32 degrees for more than 30 minutes at a time . Owners can be fined up to $ 750 , be jailed for up to 90 days , and may actually have their pet taken away from them if they are found guilty of abuse . A shortage of animal control and humane officers is an ongoing problem , though , so many violations go undetected . If you ' re aware of an animal in a harmful situation , please don ' t be afraid to speak up ! Call 866-601-SPCA ( 7722 ) to report the issue . And if you ' ve been thinking about adding a dog or cat to your family , now is a great time to check out your local shelters and rescues . They will , no doubt , be inundated with a wave of new pets that find themselves there through no fault of their own , just victims of impulsive decisions . Unfortunately , there are no penalties against that . Not for people , anyway . It ' s estimated that as many as 25 % of pets given as gifts wind up in shelters . But we can adopt ... we can foster ... we can volunteer . If you ' re looking to make a great resolution you ' ll be happy to stick to this year , please consider donating your time and talents to an area shelter and make a difference in homeless pets ' lives .
- Karyn Stratton
In This Issue :
Pet Calendar of Events ............................................ page 2 Upcoming Pet Events .............................................. page 3 Around the Hydrant : News You Can Use ............. page 4 Winter Pet Hazards ................................................. page 4 Hector and the Hiccups .......................................... page 5 Health Highlights - Canine Parvovirus .................... page 6 Breed All About It - The Golden Retriever .......... page 7 Cute & Crazy Critters ............................................ page 8 Rescue Spotlight - 4 Paws Rescue PA ..................... page 9 Adoption : A Loving Option ................................. pages 10 , 11 Pawsitively Delicious ............................................ page 12 Ask the Groomer - New Year ' s Resolution ........... page 13 Win a Jolly Dipper Dog Toy .................................. page 13 Winter Comfort Tips ............................................ page 14 Subscriptions - Let Us Fetch Your Next Copy ...... page 15
On our cover : " Milo :
Thanks to Boris Pavlikovsky of Cleveland , Ohio
for providing us with his photo !