JANUARY 2025 Pawsitively Pets - issue to publish online | Page 11

email : 4PawsSakePA @ gmail . com 570-238-0364

Rescue Spotlight :

4 Paws Sake Rescue Milton , PA

email : 4PawsSakePA @ gmail . com 570-238-0364

Educating , reuniting , and connecting 4 Paws at a time . 4 Paws Sake PA State Kennel License # 17325
4 Paws Sake PA is a non-profit rescue organization with a primary focus on rescuing , providing a safe sanctuary , and rehoming lost and abandoned dogs . We also help stray kitties when we can . In 2023 , 4 Paws Sake PA made the commitment to helping families and other rescuers to spay and neuter additional dogs and cats in our community . According to the Humane Society of the United States , “ There are about 70 million strays nationwide and of those , an estimated 5 million to 7 million of those animals will wind up in one of the nation ’ s 3,500 shelters .” One of the best ways to help a homeless dog or cat is to spay or neuter a dog or cat .
When our team of dedicated volunteers get a call about a lost dog , we spring into action . We host a temporary holding kennel for found dogs to stay safe until their humans are located . If no one comes forward for a found dog or when an owner makes the difficult decision to rehome their dog , 4 Paws Sake PA helps to find a loving foster home and provides other needed resources , like veterinarian care and trainer-guided rehabilitation . We do everything we can to help the animals in our care find their fur-ever home . According to DoSomething . org , only 1 out of 10 dogs born in the U . S . will find a home , which means 9 out of every 10 dogs do not . 4 Paws accepted a total of 27 dogs in 2023 and returned 10 of them to their owner . 7 of those dogs were strays that no one ever claimed . Here is just one of our success stories .
SPARKY : Sparky ’ s condition upon entering the kennel as a stray told us he had been neglected for a very long time . He had significant matting , ridiculously long nails , stinky fur , and was terribly dirty . Despite his condition , he stood on his hind legs and danced ! One look at him and it was easy to see that his physical condition did not stop him from being the happiest little dog we had ever met ! One of our dedicated volunteers offered to foster Sparky . A vet visit resulted in a report that he would need 17 teeth removed , in addition to a neuter , bloodwork , and vaccinations . That meant that this little 6 pound dog was not only the smallest dog we had in the rescue , he was also the most expensive , with his vet tab totaling $ 2,670.51 . Sparky ’ s story was one of our happiest of 2023 . He found his furever home just in time for Christmas and now he has a warm lap and a kind human of his own .
4 Paws Sake PA ' s primary focus is on reuniting strays with their humans . So far in 2024 , 4 Paws has accepted 25 strays ; 19 were reunited with their owner , and 6 strays were never claimed . 1 was adopted , 4 are in foster homes waiting for furever homes , and 1 is still at the kennel waiting for his foster or furever home . If the stray is being held at the kennel , our dedicated volunteers go into action getting the pup settled in one of our holding kennels . 4 Paws is an all-volunteer , non-profit . Most of us have full-time jobs in addition to the time we dedicate to the rescue . We also have our own fur kids and families . Our numbers are small compared to nationwide numbers , but to the 19 families who we assisted in reuniting with their animals , those numbers are very meaningful .
Follow us on Facebook to see more of our success stories and current rescues .
Would you like your Rescue in the spotlight ? Contact us : goodnews . pawspets @ gmail . com Pawsitively Pets -- January 9