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Cute & Crazy Critters
" Hi , I ’ m Brixton , a lovable Bichon Frise / Poodle Mix . My mom recently rescued me from Pets Come First , the beginning of my new chapter in my forever home . I ' m full of the zoomies , enjoy running around the house , and love Greenies and peanut butter . An affectionate companion , I love snuggling with my family and getting belly rubs , and I ' m always eager to play with new doggy friends !"
Brixton ' s proud owner is Brandis Teats of State College .
Send us a cute and / or crazy photo of your critter :
Good News • P . O . Box 99 • Avis , PA 17721 or email to : goodnews . pawspet @ gmail . com .
- Favorite Funny Dog Tweets -
Jennifer Xiao @ jxiaoo :
Dan Regan @ Social _ Mime :
Ghostface Kryllah @ kryzazzy
" Dog owners will pick names like Max or Bailey and cat owners literally name their cat Beef Stroganoff ."
" My wife and I have taken four photos together in the last two years , meanwhile , we have 93 photos of our dog sleeping since last week ."
" My cat at 4:12am - These curtains are stupid . I ' m taking them down ."
Effective , Affordable - Advertising that Works !
Call us for Special Package Rates at 570-769-BEAR ( 2327 )!
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- for the love of animals - PETS
" Good News " / Pawsitively Pets is available at over 200 locations throughout Bear Country and online at : www . bearcountrygoodnews . com and www . bear999 . com
Pawsitively Pets -- January