JANUARY 2024 Pawsitively Pets - issue to publish online | Page 9

168 Sunrise Lane , Mill Hall • 570-377-0340 www . sweetdreamsgroomandboard . com

Breed All About It !

Spotlight on : The German Shepherd

Description : Well-proportioned and very strong , the German Shepherd comes in three varieties - double coat , plush coat , and long-haired coat . The coat is most often black and tan , sable , or all black , but can also be white , blue , and liver . The white German Shepherd is now recognized as a separate breed by some clubs , and is called the American White Shepherd .
Temperament : Often used as working dogs , German Shepherds are one of the smartest and most trainable breeds . This breed has a very strong protective instinct , is faithful , brave , and extremely loyal to its handler , and would not hesitate to give its life for its human pack . That is why they are frequently used as police dogs , guide dogs , guard dogs , search and rescue , and in the military . The German Shepherd is also a popular family companion . They love to be close to their people , but can be wary of strangers . A stable , well-adjusted , and trained dog is , for the most part , generally good with other pets and excellent with children in the family . They only bark when they feel it is necessary . Start training and socializing in their puppyhood , and be an authoritative pack leader . Do not leave isolated for long periods of time . German Shepherds ' personalities are confident , cheerful , obedient , fearless , serious , and clever . They have a high learning ability , and are eager to channel their mental and physical energies into new challenges .
Average Height / Weight : Approximately 22 - 26 inches in height , about 77 - 85 pounds .
Health Issues : This breed is prone to hip and elbow dysplasia , blood disorders , digestive problems , bloat , epilepsy , chronic exzema , keratitis , flea allergies , and splenic tumors ( tumors of the spleen ).
Exercise : German Shepherds love strenuous activitiy , preferably combined with training of some kind , as they enjoy having a job to do . They should be taken on a daily , brisk , long walk , jog , or run , and love a good game of ball or frisbee , and participation in a canine playgroup . Agility is also a good option . If under-exercised or mentally unchallenged , they could become destructive .
Life Expectancy : About 13 years .
Grooming : German Shepherds shed bits of hair often , and are seasonally heavy shedders . They should be brushed daily , or you will have a lot of hair in your home ! Bathe only when necessary , as overbathing can cause skin irritiation from oil depletion . Check ears and trim claws regularly .

Sweet Dreams Groom and Board

168 Sunrise Lane , Mill Hall • 570-377-0340 www . sweetdreamsgroomandboard . com
Ask us about Doggy Day Care ! Drop your pets off while you ' re at work or running errands ... Reasonable rates and a great way to socialize your dogs !
Pawsitively Pets -- January 7