January 2014 Social Media Campaign Kit January 2014 | Page 6

E as t er n Nor t h Car olin a S t op Hum an Tr af f ic ki ng No w en c s t ophuman tr af f ic kin g . or g @en c _s t op _ Eastern North Carolina Stop Human Trafficking Now desires to create a community that actively works towards abolishing Human Trafficking locally and globally. Eastern North Carolina Stop Human Trafficking Now desires to create a community that understands the tragedy of Human Trafficking and seeks to be part of the solution. JAN UARY 16 TH “Parents, talk to your children about pimping before the pimp does” - Shamere McKenzie, Shared Hope JAN UARY 17 TH Join us in the fight against Human Trafficking. Why should you? Because Every Life Matters JAN UARY 18 TH “The global market of child trafficking is at over $12 billion a year with over 1.2 million child victims. – UNICEF JAN UARY 19 TH “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.” - William Wilberforce, British Abolitionist JAN UARY 2 0 TH Call 888-373-7888 from anywhere in the US to report human trafficking and find services. JAN UARY 21 S T “The more freedom we enjoy, the greater the responsibility we bear toward others as well as ourselves. - Oscar Arias Sanchez JAN UARY 2 2 ND Define your freedom. What does freedom look like to you? #freedom #humantrafficking JAN UARY 2 3 RD It is estimated that 30,000 people die each year from abuse, disease, torture, and neglect while being trafficked for sex. #StopTheTraffic Tr iad Ladder of Hope Minis tr y | tr iadladder ofhope.or g @tr iadladder hope _ Triad Ladder of Hope is a faith-based non-profit organization dedicated to the eradication of the exploitation, sale, and enslavement of men, women, and children.