January 2014 Social Media Campaign Kit January 2014 | Page 5

Chan g e Pur se | c han g epur se.or g @Chan g ePur se_or g _ Change Purse is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization committed to fighting sex trafficking through raising awareness and financially supporting faith based organizations that provide hope, healing, and restoration, through their direct work with victims and survivors of sex trafficking. Change Purse donates profits generated through collecting donated purses that are new or in like-new condition and selling them via the online store, awareness events, and home parties. JAN UARY 8 TH Women and children are forced to watch pornography as “training”, so they’ll know what acts “johns” expect. #knowthefacts JAN UARY 9 TH Providing an ethical work environment, a fair living wage, and future for its workers. This is what Fair Trade guarantees. #goodcause JAN UARY 10 TH Don’t ignore. Open your eyes. It’s happening here in the U.S. to boys and girls. #humantrafficking. JAN UARY 11 TH Within their first 48 hours of being homeless, 1 in 3 teens will be recruited into prostitution or another form of exploitation. JAN UARY 12 TH 100% of the females we have worked with come from single parent families. Men - you matter more than you realize in a young girls life. JAN UARY 13 TH 75% of perpetrators of child sexual abuse report to have also been abused themselves during childhood #prayforthemtoo JAN UARY 14 TH Traffickers target our children at the place they spend almost 1,200 hours a year: their school. #sharedhope #chosen JAN UARY 15 TH “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves” - Harriet Tubman #educationiskey Tr an sf or min g Hope | tr an sf or min g hopemin is tr i es.o r g @t hm112 0 _ Transforming Hope Ministries exists because we believe that every person deserves the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of true happiness. As people who already experience freedom in Christ, we strive to provide the opportunity for this freedom to others enslaved in human trafficking. Transforming Hope is a faith-based, para-church, public non-profit organiza tion (501c3) currently located in central North Carolina.