Jankriti International Magazine Jankriti Issue 27-29, july-spetember 2017 | Page 179

Jankriti International Magazine/ जनकृसत अंतरराष्ट्रीय पसिका ANALYSIS OF DATA COLLECTED I have centred my topic to four mothers. These families either belong to lower class or middle- middle class. First of all, I would like to talk about those mothers who have their “normal” children and then with the mothers whose children have any kind of disability. Mrs. Suman (name changed), who has two sons Chirag and Deyansh, gets up around 6 in the morning during the week days and gets fresh. She wakes up her 3-year old son Chirag, who has recently started going to school, and prepares food for him and for her husband. Mrs. Suman tries to complete all household work till Chirag comes back home around 12. At around 12:30, she sends Devyansh, her elder son to school who comes back home around 6 o’ clock. While interviewing her, her younger son constantly tried to divert our attention towards himself by doing different kind of activities. When I asked Mrs. Suman whether is there any time when she gets relaxed in a day? She replied that usually when her children go to the school or tuition. This is only time when she feels little relaxed or finds a little time to watch T.V. My second interview was with Mrs. Naina (name changed) who is also a mother of two children. I visited her home at around 5 o’ clock in the evening when she was about to finish her tuition. Her 4- year old daughter, Manyata was at home, was playing with the little kids. Mrs. Naina gets up nearly at 6 o’ clock. She goes to temple around 7 o’clock and comes back and then prepares her both the children for the school. After that, she does her household work such as dusting, cleaning, washing and everything till the time her children return from the school. As soon as, her children arrive from school, she gives them food. Later, after sending her children to tuition, she herself gives coaching to little kids till 5th standard. When asked about her leisure time, she replied that usually when the children sleep in the day time, Vol. 3 , issue 27-29, July-September 2017. ISSN: 2454-2725 this is the time when she feels more relaxed or even on Sunday when she does not have any class on that day. My third interview was Mrs. Sonia. She is from Schedule Caste category and from a middle class family background. Mrs. Sonia lives in a Joint family system. She also trains other girls for beautician course at her home. She is the mother of two daughters, Garima and Harshita. Garima is 8- year old girl whereas Harshita is 6 year old girl. Garima goes to school however, Harshita does not. Harshita is the child who cannot hear and talk. When it was asked to Mrs. Sonia, when did she realize that Harshita has this problem? She replied that they never realized it that her daughter has this problem. Perhaps, during the childhood when Harshita fell ill, she lost her hearing power. With the passage of time, they also learnt sign language with Harshita since Harshita herself used to use the sign language in order to communicate. Harshita’s family is struggling to get the proper treatment of her hearing problem. Also, in order to get the equipment to hear, she has to cross the 11 levels. In her test, she has cleared 10 tests. Nevertheless, she is facing problems to clear the last test because the doctors as well as her mother are not abled to make Harshita understand about what she has to do in order to clear the final test. Harshita’s family is also struggling to get her PWD Category certificate to get enrol her in any special school for her learning process. My final participant is Mrs. Shivani (name changed). Shivani’s family belongs to a lower class though they do not have income certificate. She sometimes earns through making birthday caps at her home. Her son, Nitin cannot talk and walk. He can walk only through someone’s support. Nitin is her only son who has been adopted by the family when he was two month old. Earlier, people used to say that Nitin has some kind of weakness and he will recover as he will grow up. His family did not have any option but to keep him with वर्ष 3, अंक 27-29 जुलाई-सितंबर 2017