CHAPTER XVI 198 uneasy restraint ; this suited both him and me .
A tread creaked on the stairs at last . Leah made her appearance ; but it was only to intimate that tea was ready in Mrs . Fairfax ' s room . Thither I repaired , glad at least to go downstairs ; for that brought me , I imagined , nearer to Mr . Rochester ' s presence .
" You must want your tea ," said the good lady , as I joined her ; " you ate so little at dinner . I am afraid ," she continued , " you are not well to-day : you look flushed and feverish ."
" Oh , quite well ! I never felt better ."
" Then you must prove it by evincing a good appetite ; will you fill the teapot while I knit off this needle ?" Having completed her task , she rose to draw down the blind , which she had hitherto kept up , by way , I suppose , of making the most of daylight , though dusk was now fast deepening into total obscurity .
" It is fair to-night ," said she , as she looked through the panes , " though not starlight ; Mr . Rochester has , on the whole , had a favourable day for his journey ."
" Journey ! -- Is Mr . Rochester gone anywhere ? I did not know he was out ."
" Oh , he set off the moment he had breakfasted ! He is gone to the Leas , Mr . Eshton ' s place , ten miles on the other side Millcote . I believe there is quite a party assembled there ; Lord Ingram , Sir George Lynn , Colonel Dent , and others ."
" Do you expect him back to-night ?"
" No -- nor to-morrow either ; I should think he is very likely to stay a week or more : when these fine , fashionable people get together , they are so surrounded by elegance and gaiety , so well provided with all that can please and entertain , they are in no hurry to separate . Gentlemen especially