Jag Mag 2019-20 Jag Mag 2020 Valentines Issue | Página 4

Q: "How can you tell when a squirrel is in love?"A: "It goes nuts!"

"I thought I won the argument with my wife as to how to arrange the dining room furniture. But when I got home the tables had turned."

Q: "How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend?"

A: "He gave her a ring!”

Q"What did one oar tell the other oar?"

A: "This is so row-mantic!"


By: Toby McDonald

V alentine

A dore

L ove

E verlasting

N atural

T reasured

I rresistible

N ougat

E motion


By: Joaquin Contreras


A beautiful thing,

A very complicated thing,

Sometimes it feels lost,


Proof of life,

Proof of heart,
